Our Fall 2021 STEM Program was offered to students from the Morgan Hill (Bay Area) and Robbinsdale (Minnesota) School Districts. We had so much fun teaching this batch of students! They demonstrated infectious curiosity with questions like “so what really is the difference between porosity and permeability?” Their enthusiasm and love for competition were palpable during our weekly Trivia Time games. Instructors prepared students to understand the scientific method, data analysis, and experimental design throughout the first half of the program, and students were eager to apply this new knowledge to develop a team scientific research project.

Team Awesome Scientists explored the concepts of osmosis, polymers, porosity, particle size, and the behavior of water molecules. Their project explores the effect of different substances on the size of gummy bears. This awesome team tested the effects of different liquids and solutions such as vinegar, milk, and baking soda water on gummy bears!

Team Sussy Marine Creatures made their very own lava lamps with One Bridge project kits and testing the effects of the number of antacids on the reaction produced! This project incorporates several intriguing scientific principles including density, polarity, molecule behavior, and more! Project kits for both teams were provided free of cost by One Bridge.

Yughan is the first to raise his hand to answer this Trivia Time question!

Team Awesome Scientists conducts their experiment with kits provided by One Bridge!

Team Sussy Marine Creatures are starting on their question formulation!
Students hard at work bouncing their research findings off of instructors
Students presenting their final Capstone Project