The One Bridge 3-day STEM Intensive Bootcamp was held from August 8-10, 2022 at the Cupertino Library. Students from grades 4-8 were welcome to join the program, taught by instructors from UC Berkeley, UC Riverside, Cupertino High School, and Monta Vista High School. Each day of the bootcamp delved into niche STEM topics, ranging from mechanical engineering to computer programming in Python to environmental science.

Students formed lasting connections with peers and instructors through a variety of team-building activities and critical thinking exercises!

In addition, students were able to apply newly learning concepts of kinematics, botany, computer science, and many more subjects to daily team-based challenges! Students applied force and tension concepts to try and win the title of highest weight-bearing bridge and competed in a biome creation showcase! Upon bootcamp completion, students were motivated to further explore these STEM fields.

I really enjoyed the bootcamp program! I hope I can come next summer too!

Johan, Summer 2022 Bootcamp Student

Students studied botany, environmental preservation and engineering, and biological concepts such as biomagnification and the conservation of engineering! They were able to unleash their creativity in a shoebox biome challenge! Teams were challenged to design biologically optimal environments for organisms. Many went above and beyond, designing water flow routes and enclosures!